Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Dragon's Roar

This is my favorite deck, THE DRAGON'S ROAR!The monster cards in this deck are the Dragon type monsters and the related cards to dragons.i like Dragon type monsters so much as i will always fell happy every time i can summon a Dragon type monster.I also add the dragon king KING DRAGUN in my deck to make my Dragons invicible and i can beat every duelist easily without destroying my Dragons.I also have Red Eyes Darkness Dragon , Horus The Black Flame Dragon and Armed Dragon in my deck.If i can summon all of them(I had done it before),i will completely win the duel! How about your favorite deck?Hopefully you all can reply me.Attack My MIGHTY DRAGONS!!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

'5D', New Series Of Yu-Gi-Oh!

New series of Yu-Gi-Oh! anime!It is Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D .The duelists in the anime use motorcycles known as G-Wheel instead of using ordinary Duel Disk and the duelists are called G-Wheelers.I hope that i can ride a bike like in the anime......

Monday, March 16, 2009

New Type Of Monster?!!!

I just know that there is new type of monster of Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG moments ago. I just don't understand it quiet yet so please someone, help me to explain it to me!!!!.The name is sychron monster card or something.....(That RA picture is just for fun,he he he...)

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Final Ep Finale

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Ep 1 part 3

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Slifer The Sky Dragon

My favorite divine card would definitely be Slifer. Some people calls it Sky Dragon or Osiris. The reason i like it very much because it is a Dragon type monster! Want to know more?

About This Duelist from Marang

My name is Razin.Sometimes other calls me emang,aiman, mang, zin and whatever.Well,what i want to talk about is yugioh TCG.I like to play it since the primary school(i was the top duelist that time in school).Now i want to share with you all who want to know about this strategic card game.U all can ask me about everything relating this game that you don't know.My nickname for this game is QZ.So if u see this somewhere, that's me! Actually i never play any professional league or competition and even the amateur competition but i know a lot about this TCG.In the nutshell, come join this blog so that we can talk a lot about yugioh TCG.Thanks for reading this just a little bit cool message.....